DSPK V02.00 Furcadia

* New Style Comments
(0:0) When everything is starting up,
 (5:50) set countdown timer 1 to go off in 1 seconds.

* Variables
(0:0) When everything is starting up,
 (5:300) set variable %NumRandomObjects to the value 5.
 (5:311) use variable %RandomObjects[5] as an array, and set element 0 of it to 11.
 (5:300) set variable %MyVariable.x to the value 1.

* Coordinates
(0:9) When a furre arrives in the dream,
 (5:15) move the triggering furre to (10,10), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.

* String
(0:32) When a furre says something with {showxy} in it,
 (5:350) set variable %curloc to the X,Y position the triggering furre (moved from/is standing at).
 (5:200) emit message {Your location is %curloc.x, %curloc.y} to whoever set off the trigger.

Old style comment

234 ABCD 5678 EFGH 9

*Endtriggers* 8888 *Endtriggers*